About me

So, I figured I’d share some of the things I’m working on. This post will be occasionally updated, I’ll make it into a “page”. Also, this post is all about me. Really this whole site is about me, I’m hoping to get a few friends and like minded people involved, so hopefully this will change soon.
The reason… “look, feel, and purpose”
I like Open source and free stuff, I don’t have a budget so most of what I write will be free, cheap, or “The necessary tool” for the job.
As for budget, I’ll be hosting limited advertisements here, at this point the site only costs me money. I understand that you don’t want my ads, if you like the content please consider throwing some change at me or something.
Old reposts, there is some stuff on the web I love to re-read, like the worlds worst hacker, I’ll be reposting non original content on some occasions. I also have some old content I’d written in the past, I will bring some of it over here.
I write scripts, very often. Computer scripts, VB, batch, bash, powershell, etc. I want to share some of the more complex stuff I write for network management. I’ll also be adding in some spiffy automation kits, using things like AutoItV3 (windows Macros), iMacros (Firefox/Chrome), xDoTool (linux Macros), along with Fake (Web automation for OS X), and automator (OS X).
I make websites, its a hobby I am not very great at, I still do it for some reason. I write HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql, and JavaScript. I’m studying Ajax, but that seems to mostly mean “clever ways to use JavaScript”.
I manage networks, Mostly windows, but I some with Macs, along with windows and linux servers. I’ll scribble stuff about all that here too.
I’m learning about Audio and Video production and editing. Right now I am working with OBS as well as Blender, those are mostly video, I’ll be doing some stuff with recording plain audio as well as recording a band or group.

That really sums up what I “do”, As for some upcoming posts…

Pi Projects (these could also be called “linux” projects, but the pi’s have limitations and features that make them a little different, mostly slower and smaller)
Web Server with nGinx  & WordPress
Access point/Repeater
Network Diagnostics toolkit (with automation)

I’m really wanting do get in to additive and reductive construction, in “normal folk words” that means 3d printing and CNC.
Scripts! I’m working on some absurdly complex scripts.
Basics I see so many people trying to learn the latest and greatest stuff in technology while ignoring the basics, so I’ll try to spread some boring knowledge about basics.
 How to set up networks, stuff about pfsense, packet filter, OSX and Windows firewall, iptables, Sonicwall and Ubiquiti shenanigans. And more.
Just for fun Tips for writing scripts better, packers, unpackers, command line games, loading up Amazon Fire sticks with extra apps to expand functionality.
Down the road I’ll hopefully be adding videos, a podcast, and lots of pictures.
Thanks for reading, hopefully this wasn’t at the top by the time you got here.


Obligatory 1st post

Yo! Welcome internet.

This is clearly a blog type thing. Myself and some other people… we’ll call them “friends” will be sharing stuff about stuff here, we’ll strive to keep everything up to date, including old posts, as said “stuff” changes.

I’m Tom, I’m pretty good with certain stuff, I’ll be writing posts about things like “how to feel good about your really awful birdhouse” and “self esteem for your sad cousin”. I’ll also regularly forget to update the site, manage the site, care, and  remember what I was talking about. Feel free to leave comments, I won’t be reading them, but as I’ve seen on other blogs, that probably won’t stop you. Come back soon, we have a lot of good stuff in the works that needs pictures and more words.

— — Tom